Lakes Committee

As homeowners, whether on one of the lakes or not, we all benefit from the lakes in home values and we all contribute to the health of the lakes by what we do. With the buildup of houses around the lakes and the surrounding neighborhoods that have run off that makes it to our lakes, we have seen a significant negative impact on our lakes water quality in recent years. The Lakes committee is actively working to improve the water quality of both lakes.
Lakes Committee members:
(John Burns chair), Bob Domek, Ken DeJuilio, Mark Augustyn, Robbie Brown.
Committee Charter:
Address all current issues related to the health and maintenance of Lake Leo and Naomi. Identify and plan solutions for future lakes health.
Homeowners primary contacts:
The primary contact for homeowners who have Lakes questions or concerns is Bob Domek for Lake Naomi and Ken DeJulio for Lake Leo.