Shoreline Landscaping for Lake Protection
For those homeowners with lake property, living on the water adds to the enjoyment of living in White Birch Lakes. It also brings responsibility for helping to protect our valuable lakes. The shoreline and adjacent area provide a buffer and can provide a great help to protect water quality, reduce erosion, and provide enhanced aesthetics. Shoreline trees, shrubs, and groundcover plants buffer/protect lakes by acting as a sponge for storm water runoff. These buffers of vegetation catch sediment and other pollution before it reaches the lake.
Trees and shrubs intercept raindrops and reduce their impact on the soil while low growing plants filter runoff. The deep tangled root system of trees and shrubs hold soil in place and absorb water and nutrients.
In addition, buffer plants can enhance privacy, filter noise and wind, plus attract birds, butterflies and other wildlife. And believe it or not, these areas are very important to aquatic animals such as fish living in the shallows along the shore.
Landscaping and managing our lake shoreline to protect and/or restore buffer vegetation is the most important way you can help our lakes and have a low-maintenance, great-looking property.
The HOA Lakes Committee has shared this resource to educate and help lakes property owners make the best decisions to preserve the long term health of our lakes.


Native Plant Buffer (Riparian Buffer) | Lake County, IL
Shoreline Buffer Strips – Illinois Environmental Protection Agency